Wine cellar’s aren’t simply there for storing wine, rather are there as an additional space to a building where fine selections of wine can be tasted and guests can be invited for a little get-together. A wine cellar is an experience, rather than just storage space. Due to this, when it comes to redecorating your wine cellar you should follow the advice we provide here.
Wine cellar’s are typically elegant affairs, with classy decor and stylish furnishings. A wine cellar isn’t a space for bright lights and flamboyant pastel hues, rather a more moody atmosphere is what is often aimed for with dimmed lighting and darker tones. Consider shades of purple or some darker shades of red to add to the glamorous feel of the space. You could use patterned and quality wallpaper for walls to bring in some different textures to the wine cellar whilst maintaining that high-end vibe. Wallpapers are easily wiped down and more simple to decorate with than trying to create patterns and find the ideal colour with paint.
Many interior designers will tell you that it’s the small details that truly bring out the best in a room. Whilst the wallpaper and chosen flooring are important, you should always ensure that the small details aren’t neglected as these can cause a newly decorated wine cellar to look less than impressive. Choose furniture that isn’t simply practical, but is also stylish and maintains the overall theme of the room. When choosing furnishings such as chairs for your wine cellar, stick with the colour palette you’ve selected for the walls and floor and don’t choose patterns or colours that will clearly stick out in a bad way. For the finer details, consider selecting paintings that again will match the rest of your colour scheme, providing something for any guests to admiringly look at and demonstrating your eye for a well-selected art piece that feels made specifically for that wine cellar.
A wine cellar is a space where you can store and sample your favourite wines, whilst also entertaining any guests. Ensure the decoration matches your personal tastes and be wary of the small details that may make your wine room look tasteless rather than tasteful.